Talk to some of your suppliers and you will find that they are not selling Cat 3 and that it is a special order. Just got off the phone with these 2 suppliers - All Per 1000' Pricing
IE - Graybar - Cat 5E Riser *******
Cat 5E Plenum *******
Cat 3 Riser *******
Cat 3 Plenum *******

El Supply - Cat 5E Riser *******
Cat 5E Plenum *******
Cat 3 Riser $not available
Cat 3 Plenum *******

you will still find Cat 3 at your HD or Lowes but I am told in my area that it will not be stocking it when they run out.

We have been using Cat 5E for voice for the last 4 years and found that the cost is a fraction more. We always use Cat 5E 8 pin for Data and Cat 3 4 pin for voice. There is a little more time to terminate on a 66 block, but very little if you have an experienced tech who is used to cutting down large number of cables. We also use white cable for voice and blue for data unless we have a request for a specific color.

Just my $2.13 cents worth. laugh


Edited due to forum policy violation regarding posting of pricing in public areas.

Rick "Cosmo" Mercure
Tri Star Telecom
Sebring, FL