Originally posted by MacOSX:
Ughh... looks like it'd be a nightmare to service!

I never suggest a PP for voice... but sometimes, the customer insists and we oblige. We fore-warn them that from our experience it's more of a pain than it's worth and time wasted in general, but they still insist, usually because they're weak and have been drawn into the Dark Side.

Customers are usually ignorant of the fact that when phones move, we move the same physical port... that most phones are not "smart" phones, but "dummy" pieces of equipment. Mostly because the CG has sold them on "I can move your computer to any outlet, phones should be set-up the same".

The "It will save you $ if I do it..." theory. Almost always costs them more in "fix-it" bills instead of "MAC's". The only time I haven't had a CG cost more, is when they've been willing to have us train them (CG) in how to use a punch tool and probe/toner correctly. In those (very few) cases a CG has saved the company LOTS of MAC $, but that's because he/she listened and understood the theory of the phone system moves.

I have gone this way on one occasion, not because I didn't know better, but was told that the person wanted to be able to shift their office about the house depending on the season or some random whim. It seemed like a silly thing, but hey customers is always right, and they were paying for it. To fix the 8p to 4p/6p jack issue, I will end up building some cables and using the adapter Skip shows from this post when I asked about it.

About me:
8 years of network support
7 years IT field service

Always looking for the next project to be done.