Originally posted by jeffmoss26:
93mdk93...the reason most of us recommend using cat 3 cable for voice is simply because cat 5 or cat 6 is total overkill. It does cost more, takes more time to terminate vs cat 3...plus, 9 times out of 10, if you put everything on an 8 pin jack, someone will plug their phone into the data jack or vice-versa.
no, i totally understand using the correct termination (as i stated previously) - in fact, i made a CG eat crow just last week because i came in to do an install and he'd wired the entire place with RJ45 jacks and simply labeled the odd numbered jacks for network and the even numbered jacks for voice. i explained to him how a short on the wrong pair could blow my ports and he had to agree that it obviously wasn't the correct way to do it. he'd never even considered it before and until i brought it up, had never been called on it either.

but seriously, i haven't found there to be a significant cost difference between CAT3 and CAT5 and we don't have room on our trucks for a decent amount of each kind (we keep 3 boxes of white and 3 boxes of blue on each truck, which is sufficient for most of our jobs). in addition, i really like knowing that i can re-terminate voice runs to use for data should the need arise.

i was just curious if there was a technical reason i'd overlooked. i take a great deal of pride in my work but i also have to do this in the real world and make a profit, so in my mind there are more compelling considerations to weigh than just a hang-up over perceived 'overkill'.

"There is one thing and only one thing in which it is granted to you to be free in life, all else being beyond your power: that is to recognize and profess the truth." - Leo Tolstoy