Originally posted by jeffmoss26:
Here is how I see it. You can run a 2 inch pipe to every faucet in your house to supply water, and spend more money, but why do it when it only needs a 1/2 inch pipe?
And here's how I see it: If that 2" pipe costs, say, $0.25/ft and the .5" pipe costs $0.22/ft, why would I bring a half load of each to a job that needs a full load of one or the other, but I may not know which one I need until I get there. The customer pays for it and doesn't complain, and I have enough gray hair already..

The customer doesn't mind paying for my materials, but he doesn't want to pay for my fuel. I love what I do and I want to do it right, but I'm not going to spend MY money just to make a point. You dig?

"There is one thing and only one thing in which it is granted to you to be free in life, all else being beyond your power: that is to recognize and profess the truth." - Leo Tolstoy