Originally posted by hbiss:
I'll add to that and say CAT 5 or 6 should never be used for voice nor should 8 position jacks (commonly referred to as RJ-45).

i'm following you on all of the above except i don't understand why you recommend not using CAT5 for voice. is there a performance concern or..? and what do you recommend to use instead?

we do a lot of voice and data cabling and i know the decision to only carry CAT5 on our trucks was made primarily because we have limited space and the cost difference between CAT3 and CAT5 was negligible. that being said, i'm a researcher at heart and if there's a good reason to do something, i want to know! =)


"There is one thing and only one thing in which it is granted to you to be free in life, all else being beyond your power: that is to recognize and profess the truth." - Leo Tolstoy