Originally posted by BobbyT:
The DCO was the first class five digital switch to go into service in the US. This occurred on July 17, 1977, in Richmond Hill Ga., where I was the lead Installer on that project.
The above is only a small part of the total picture as far as SC is concerned, but those stories will have to wait till later.
As I was rereading some of the Trivia, I came across the Richmond Hill, Ga. comment and my memory was jogged a bit. I had driven through/by Richmond Hill a hundred times in the late 70's and early 80's. The question is why would a sophisticated piece of technology be installed here? There's absolutely nothing here except piney woods. Well there's Fort Stewart and Savannah! Just down the road in St. Mary's there's an almost forgotten about run down army ammo base with a pier. From the main gate, it was about 2 miles to the pier on old narrow service roads. Speed limit about 10mph and watch out for the deer! That old army base is now Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay. So, the work you did in '77 was predicated on world politics beginning the early to mid 70's and my involvement in '78 and '79. You see, I was stationed aboard the USS Simon Lake and my job was to ensure land based communications were ready when the ship arrived and we could begin servicing the east coast SSBN fleet! Thought you might like to know.