Let's see, was it silversam that mentioned the 4 X 12 Iwatsu? Only one I know about was the Omega III 412. It used the regular Omega III phone with some straps cut, or installed, I don't remember which. There was, OF COURSE, a quite expensive proprietary programmer that you needed for any purpose but turning the thing on and off! Used 4 keys for C O and the other 16 for........ you guessed it, intercom! Altho all buttons had LED's, I believe only #1 station had BLF functionality. To do more would have taken 4 times the power supply, for all those lo-tech, high current, 1st generation LED's. The bigger III's had straps and jumpers in the phones and on the cabinet PCB's to do all sorts of things. The only 'programming' was on the speed dial number ROM, which required another expensive, proprietary programmer. That's enough excitement for 1 day kid's. Next time I'll tell you about the GTE Omni I installed in the only privately owned building on a U. S. Army fort. smile John C. (Not Garand)

When I was young, I was Liberal. As I aged and wised up, I became Conservative. Now that I'm old, I have settled on Curmudgeon.