Ah, yes, SUNCOM. Weren't they the ones that went toes-up about '83? We (being Comtronics), bailed out some of the customers they left twisting in the breeze. That was when I found out TIE 80(?) phones would work on an ITT601! The rumor I heard was that Suncom left Graybar St. Louis holding the bag for 250,000 dollars! (A LOT of money back then, you young whippersnappers!) The story went that they got too big for their britches and opened a 'store' in sunny FL, so they could justify their shoreline condo as a business expense! Also heard that 1 of the owners wound up with a corporate airplane in his back pocket! That was in the good old days when you walked into a prospective customer's location, with or without an appointment, and said,"I sell phones" and they would say, "Where do I sign". It wasn't quite that easy, but close! John C.

When I was young, I was Liberal. As I aged and wised up, I became Conservative. Now that I'm old, I have settled on Curmudgeon.