Just rereading some of this drivel, er trivia. BobbyT's comment about Alcatel reminded me about the Thompson (?) 20 and 80 systems that came over from France about '85. Seemed like everybody was trying to find something that would compete with the TIE 6-wire system. Comtronics took it on, WHAT a nightmare! The '20' and '80' phones looked identical and the part numbers were almost identical. What fun, put in the wrong replacement and even MORE problems! "Hold" was permanent and only the phone that put the call on hold could retrieve it. It looked like it was in use everywhere else. 'Park' was the way to dispose of a call that someone else was supposed to pickup. I remember going to a site that had all lines busy but no one on the phone. The Boss had been in over the weekend and for whatever reason had put all the lines on hold. His door was locked, but we could see the blinking LED's thru the window. And he was out of town. Finally had a brainstorm and turned off the system. DUH! User friendly, NO. User antagonistic, SI. John C.

When I was young, I was Liberal. As I aged and wised up, I became Conservative. Now that I'm old, I have settled on Curmudgeon.