It's funny how you can go into places where the customer has always had a PBX and you can tell from what's left, what they had. Sometimes 2 or 3 systems back! And sometimes get paid to haul it away, AND make a little $ from the refurbers!

Large hotel/motels come to mind. In the mid '90's I put in a 1005 Mitel Hybrid. Had to move the Siemens 232 and the ??? Japanese Stepper out as part of the sales agreement! That stepper was 7 feet high and probably 12 feet wide and about 3 feet deep. Unlocked the main equipment rack and started to roll it out to start disassembly. Thank the Lord I had help, that thing did NOT want to stop rolling! The Siemens we sold to refurbers, all but the cabinet. But, it made a real nice gun cabinet, once I stripped it out. That Japanese stepper, we sold to the local scrapyard. Got enough to pay the gas to haul it out there. smile John C.

When I was young, I was Liberal. As I aged and wised up, I became Conservative. Now that I'm old, I have settled on Curmudgeon.