Originally posted by Silversam:
Ed -

The GTD-120 was a nice little system and as I remember, it was the first small PBX to offer a direct T-1 Interface (This about 1982). Any system not maintained well will give you grief (Illinois Bell probably didn't send enough guys to school, have enough spare parts etc.)

The real problem with the GTE PBXs wasn't the PBX - it was the phones.

We put an OMNI digital PBX with Electronic Phones in for Apple Computer. It worked fine. One day we got a call that no one could access their phones. We came out and discovered that a secretary, who, having been given notice went around and as her last act on the job put a password into each phone (a cute feature, rarely used) and then locked them all.

We discovered we couldn't get in to the password from the system console! The password was stored in firmware in the phone and was not accessable at all! Disconnecting the phones required waiting a couple of months for the set to die quietly!

We had to replace ALL the sets.

The next revision of software took care of that problem, but it seems we were always playing catchup with the instruments.

I still have an omni and sbcs's running
out there