<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">If people like Chris are nice enough to take time from their busy days to assist people like me, any way that they can, with our problems then I’m going to take advantage of all their help… and be very thankful!!!</font>
Which is good, great...that's what were here for...but it has to be done privately, not in the public forum.
I think a lot of you are missing the point.
If we allow this goodness to be posted for everyone to see the manufacturers are going to get us shut down by court order, and believe me they will...if that kinda thing gets posted on the public side where they can see it...so do it privately. Or this board won't be here any longer and there will not be any more of this:
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">If people like Chris are nice enough to take time from their busy days to assist people like me, any way that they can, with our problems then I’m going to take advantage of all their help… and be very thankful!!!</font>

Case in point. I've already have 2 manufacturers(not saying who) send me letters from their lawyers which stated I had to remove their logo off my site where ever it appeared. Can you imagine what the manufacturers will do if they see their printed material, (manuals) and patches/programs listed in a public forum that isn't their forum.
Think about it people, use your heads. That why we have moderators to make sure we don't get shut down, and they are doing a great job.