<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by chrislebeck:
it would seem that drpbx has an issue with my tech support methods (ie manuals, software, whatever). it's his right. and he is the mod for this forum.

so i'll be leaving this fine board.

many thanks to sundance for the boards!!

for those whom i've helped. glad to do it.

for those who i've pissed off, caused a service call, crop circles, mold in the fridge, lost socks in the dryer, whatever...i'm sorry

ftp site will be gone tomorrow (i know this will make your day doc)

if someone needs a manual look in my bio to see how to get a hold of me. i know of a web site (not mine) where you probably can get what you need for free.

my name IS chris lebeck and i'm gone! peace out!

Chris you've been a great resource for this forum, be a shame to see you go.

I think DrPbx was just trying to convey that yes, NEC does and will send cease and desist notifications to individual websites or persons that distribute the manuals leeched off NTAC if they find them. (Whether for profit or free).

I'm sure that your intentions were good, however, Sundance is hosting the forums and as a 3rd party probably wouldn't want any legal matters in their lap.

NEC shields their documentation from the public so as to protect the dealer channel. This means more sales for everyone involved (Not to mention job security). If any IT guy can get online and obtain manuals, then why call a dealer? Dealers invest alot of money to train their techs and keeping the documentation available to dealers only is fair.

I think you have offered some great advice here. I can't imagine anyone actually angry with your comments, suggestions, and the now non-existent ftp server.

I'd hope you'd stick around on this forum since it does seem to get a bit of traffic.