We all know where this is going.
Homeboy installs system. Maybe he does a fair job, maybe not. Homeboy is off to college.
Lawyers use system a while and then stumble on to the fact that its not working as planned and they have lost large amounts of business due to not getting messages properly or not getting info to callers after hours properly, maybe hackers in voice mail and $10,000 phone bill etc etc etc. They call Homeboy, oops Homeboy at college. They call regular phone dudes.
Smart phone dude says who are you and why are you calling me for emergency??? Lawyer tells huge ass lie (Paging Hughe Jass). Phone dude says OK and goes or sends tech on service call. Tech looks at gobble d gook install and lack of documentation and informs Lawyer of time involved to figure out the mess and also how they want the system to work. Lawyer gets red in face, the nerve of some prople, wanting to get paid for thier knowledge and experience,,,, YADDA,YADDA,YADDA.....

My best friend is a lawyer but I stay away from them businesswise.