Wow. It's hard to even figure out where to begin. The magic numbers that separate the wheat from the chaff is $1000 plus $200 x each phone, more or less. So your 5 phone installation from scratch about $2k. You want fries with that?

But that's not the point. Hardware costs of a Panasonic TA-824 is about $$$ with 3 display phones. It's severely limited and it doesn't do certain things, but it has some other neat features. So we all can sell up or down, depending on what the customer needs. I've even sold 2-line consumer grade solutions, but I draw the line on those 4-line products. It's called a business plan.

My key Panasonic customers have the maintenance console installed on a PC next to their phone system. They still don't do changes on their own. I always tell them that I'm going to restore their database from my file copy, so I don't care what they change, and if there's a PC next to their phone system, I can do it from remote.

I started working on Intertel in the, what, GLX GMX days. When the sytems became closed, I didn't elect to become a dealer, I was already dealing in Comdial and later Panasonic with a little Vodavi (sigh, they screwed us all) thrown in. I suppose if I really needed help on an Axxes I could get it, oh, wait I already have it arranged. I'm still not going to invest in spares or a system, nor will I ever make a market in the now discontinued product. I'll still maintain Avaya Partners, Nortel CICS and Comdial systems because I have a ton of spare parts and I am trained enough to be dangerous :-)
The key is the training AND the spares.

Your mistake is you demanded something that just isn't available. If I were an Intertel dealer, I wouldn't be giving my knowledge or livelyhood away so "some guy on the internet". The rules of this board are pretty well enforced, you can support a user in the open forum only with what's in the user manual. Installation advice is via PM and only at the responder's discretion.
However, you came in with the wrong attitude. You didn't contribute anything, and now you asked for installer's access, but you didn't contribute anything to get that access and you haven't demonstrated that you are a professional in the telecom industry (more like quite the opposite).

I don't see much hope for you. It harkens back to the old Fido days. Watch, keep your mouth shut and observe before you jump into something you don't know anything about. At some point in time, and I think very soon, this topic will be closed. The horse is already dead.


Sorry Carl I had to remove the Panasonic price. :nono:

This model is end of life