Human nature being what it is, I suspect you will want to see what further comments will be made here. What I basically see is your dissing of a manufacturer's dealer only product policy. It is those manufacturers that set the bar and for us to violate that, violates our dealer agreements. Your beef is with Inter-Tel, not us.

That being said, this level of restriction does not apply to a number of general distribution products. Your local telecom distributor could point you to such products that would be very adequate to serve much of the small 4-line market that you work with.

Rather than dissing the dealer side structure, do some research and discover those telecom products that would permit you to accomplish your goals. There are many fine KSU based products to explore. We are not the ones that make the rules in this industry. We have to learn how to play by them or take our ball home.

- Dave S. -

You can never appease your ideologue opponents.