Originally posted by Silversam:
I did a lot of work with Unix years ago, and messed around a bit with Linux - but I still don't think it's ready for prime time.

But wait! The new Macintosh OS is Unix based. So maybe I have a direction to go in.

So I have a few questions:

1- Should I buy a MAC?
2- If so - how are the laptops for putting my toe in the water? Or should I stick to a desktop?
3-How is compatibility with MS docs - word, excel & visio?
4- I used to program in dBase. I hate Access. I think it's utter crap. Does the Mac have a database of its own and is it compatible with dBase dbfs, prgs, etc? (I know about dBase for the Mac - 1987 vintage. From what I understand it was terrible).
5- How hard is it to get a MAC to work on a windows network. This includes accessing windows files on other hard drives, print to a network printer, copy back & forth, etc.I know it can be done, but does it require case of bourbon and much prayer?
6- I use Thunderbird as an email client. Does Mac have an email program that's compatible?
7 - I use Firefox as a web browser. I like it a lot. Is there a MAC version?
8- I live and die by my Palm Treo 700. I know there is a MAC version of the desktop software. Is it any good?
9- I understand that If I get a MAC, I will still probably have to run some windows programs sometimes. What's the deal with Boot Camp, Parallels, VMware etc?

Thanks in advance and please pardon a coward who's afraid to make the plunge.

Sorry, as I didn't read your original post before my long-winded previous post (getting tired... Bowling League earlier tonight)... anyways.

I will answer with your corresponding question # :

1. Yes. That being said depends on your specific needs in an OS/hardware

2. Depends on what you are using this for (on site work, home computing, both, travel, etc)

3. 100% compatible with MS Office suite. I do not know what Visio is, but again google research tells me that .vsd files are not Mac compatible, but there is a cross-platform (Windows/Mac) program called ConceptDraw7, which can use converted .vsd files in xml. (If you explain the program to me, maybe I can offer some more ideas).

4. There are quite a few open-source database management systems for the mac - click here to view a list of them.

5. I do not know the exacts of networking on a Windows based network, but as I stated before... depends on server OS. (burbon helps anyway wink )

6. Thunderbird - 100%

7. Firefox - 100%

8. I'm so jealous you have the Palm Treo. smile , and I've never used the Mac version... being that my IT buddy that owns the only Palm I've played with had it on a workstation with Windows.

9. love Boot camp so far... Parallels and VMware no personal use yet, but "heard" Parallels is the best!

- Tony
Ohio Data LLC
Phone systems, data networks, firewalls and servers in Central Ohio.
Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected.