Derrick - thanx worked well with one exception.
I do not understand what is different for it from other cases.

So in CCRs I have options 1-7.
they all do what I want except option 4. Some of them go to voice mail configured the way u suggested, some ring certain destinations.

Option 4 supposed to go to voice mail box 120 (again direct transfer).

However when I test and choose 4 I do not hear the message from mailbox we recorded "Leave message etc etc..". Instead I am getting system message "You have entered too few digits". I do not see any difference in my config for option 5 lets say vs this option 4. Yet it behaves differently.

Please, did I miss something special about using 4 as option in CCR? Is there other place to see it besides Number Plan in VM (hyperterm)?

Again I am so thankful for all the time of people who helps!