I have Starplus STS with flash based VM, 4 x 8.

All lines configured to pilot ring all hunt group 450 (103, 104).

Problem 1:

If nobody answers or all members of the group are busy it should go to Greeting 1 / CCR1.

All lines Preset Forward is set VOICE_MAIL 1.
Timers for Preset Forward is 10 sec.

When nobody answers or all busy the lines ring more then 10 sec and then go to not Greeting 1 / CCR1 but to default message asking to leave message.

Problem 2:

Also calls in the night mode do not go to Greeting 2 / CCR2 even though the schedules in VM and in System Features look all right.


I was using version 0.08 of WinDBA. Recently downloaded WinDBA 0.13 from updates_fixes_pretrials.

Please, is 0.13 the most resent version to work with Starplus STS DB?

Thank you.