An update on this. The "project" has been progressing due entirely to my efforts. We have a "wall of modems" that is literally a 36 inch wide backboard floor to ceiling! We are waiting for Cablevision to provide the last four lines that, for some reason they are dragging their butts on.

Just to show how Cablevision is not capable of providing business class voice service- it's not unusual for one company to divide their lines up into groups and be billed separately for each for accounting purposes. Since Cablevision is stuck in the cable TV days they provided six separate accounts, six drops to the premises and six separate groups of EMTAs which means that there are unused ports on many. There are eight four line EMTAs for only twenty lines. THAT'S why we have the wall of modems, a monument to stupidity.


CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING: Some comments made by me are known to the State of California to cause irreversible brain damage and serious mental disorders leading to confinement.