Well, my last employer has a TWC PRI, as well as internet access. Eleven B + D, balance is for internet access. Comes in on copper provided by Embarq. Biggest problem we/they have had is last mile or so of old tired aerial/buried Embarq cable, coming down Bragg Blvd. Even the Embarq techs that come out and work the cable pairs confirm the poor condition of their infrastructure. So, when it works (95+% of the time), it works fine. That other 5%, Oh well. Helpful tho, 'cause when we start getting cell phone calls from customers with TWC PRI's, we have a pretty good idea if it's a TWC major failure, or a customer specific failure. Astoundingly, the Fax lines, alarm systems, modems and all the other stuff you expect to be problems, seem to work fine! 'Course they're all working on S/L ports thru the Panasonic TDE, which has replaced the TDA that also worked fine! Too bad my employer is not huge, then he could get a PRI from each of the 4(?) CLECs in town. Could be useful for troubleshooting and configuration problem iron-outs. And of course a couple of real copper L/S and G/S lines for testing. Sometimes, the only way to confirm that a part is really bad is with real Central Office lines/trunks. What the heck, all it takes is $! John C. (Not Garand)

When I was young, I was Liberal. As I aged and wised up, I became Conservative. Now that I'm old, I have settled on Curmudgeon.