The key to a good telephone system is support and that will only come through a qualified dealer in your area. We just replaced an AT&T system in a Methodist church, here in our area with an ESI system and the people can't believe how user friendly and feature rich the system is. When the pastors were done with their training session, they were absolutely amazed with the record on the fly feature and how easy it is to use. This install was 205 phones and two PRI lines. The two senior pastors were so excited about the remote phone features and the chief maintenance engineer couldn't thank us enough when we replaced all the outside door locks with readers and strikes. No more "phantom keys" to worry about.

Make a good list of what your church and school want and need in a system and then invite some local dealers in your area to propose systems. "Where two or three salesmen are gathered together and bidding against each other, there will be honesty." ;-)


Americom, Inc.
Where The Art And Science Of Communications Meet