Originally posted by Coral Tech:
Depending on the size of your office why not just buy a new system? I mean a new NEC DSX or ESI 50L or whatever in that size range you could get something with a warranty. You are installing a system that's been discontinued for a decade and I would bet after you add up all the time and effort being put into this you could get a small key system installed with warranty for very little a month if you lease it. Just a suggestion. Of course you could always get voice mail from the phone company too for the lines as well.
How's that giant rear-view mirror working for the back pedaling? A direct quote from your FIRST resopnse. And this is PHONE SYSTEM TECH SUPPORT. Who are we supporting?

Yet, the OP is belligerent because you told him to "just change out the system"?

And we wonder why some posters just cut and run....

This model is end of life