I am not a DIY novice - and also not specifically a Nitsuko tech - but my PBX work did start 1/2 my lifetime ago with PBXs programmed with dumb-terms and even THAT documentation was noplace near as cryptic and useless as the Nitsuko/NEC stuff.

And seems to me that someone else up there ^ has also said the docs were a bit silly.

I only asked here because this place has a separate Nitsuko-Tie forum, and I have been unfailingly polite, but it seems as if nobody here who's visited lately has the answers I need and those who have replied would do the Nitsuko folks a service if they'd just quit discouraging folks who WANT to use this stuff.

If a person reads what I wrote an imagines it as being meant/said with a smile (as that IS the case...), then the mention of ott-ee-tyude would not come into play.

With or without pointers I will muddle through somehow - it's just a different sort of tech gear after all, and I AM a career tech !
