We considered installing a brand new 100% VOIP system, phones and all.

The truth is that the 124i was doggone near free, and that the uber-ancient Comdial system is meeting their meager needs completely EXCEPT that the phones are falling apart and they are not worth replacing for a 2nd time.
(Besides - this dinosaur of a new-to-us system has about 2000 more features than there will ever be any use for here !)

I respectfully submit as an idea:
Alot of folks these days seem to come across like a salesman representing the "NEW! IS! BETTER! co."

By way of contrast:
Some of us actually ENJOY getting incredibly long use out of already old stuff that was built to last and actually do not mind taking the time to do things like re-insulating the cracked wires on the PSU by hand, with great care.

Here in the boondocks there actually are quite a number of very successful businesses which are still using and have zero complaints about these 124i systems -EXCEPT- that the expensive NVMs died and could not be fixed; and I have it straight from the former Nitsuko tech I spoke with that he would be bankrupt by now if he hadn't switched to Samsung systems because these 124i systems...just ...last... forever !!!

(Please pardon my country boy ways, I mean no offense !)