I'm headed to Haiti this weekend. They need someone to work on washing machines in an orphanage, I once did that kind of work while waiting a job. I've been trying to get there for a couple of months and haven't been able to make the connections, but this week it will happen.
Honestly I'm scared to death that I'll be an observer and not a do-er. Not what I'm hoping for.
By the way, I've never been to NY but I have spent quuite a bit of time in Boston, which I has the same rep. Get past the gruffness and there are no better people anywhere.
I am the rube from Kansas and to some degree I agree with the comment about west coast folks. Some of those folks are all show and no go. There again, MOST of those folks are very good people.
I've traveled the USA and I'm just real proud of the generosity and empathy in our land. I would say that no other country donates time and money overseas like ours. Now that's a gift.