if you vet the organization you can give a group a gift of something they wouldn't have otherwise

Case in point I recently installed /donated a ACS with a small partner VM card and a couple of 18 d display phones ..all stuff I had sitting on the shelf.

the 30 year old 501c non profit works out of a home office and the director was using a uniden cordless system with four phones and a answering machine (which is still hooked up to ext 10 )

By adding the AA I've saved the director a ton of time with three selections going to answer only mail box's that take care of the bulk of inquires. plus everyone is commenting how professional they now appear

its not a place they would have put their limited funds

there are other non profits with plenty of funding who pay my regular rates I wouldn't give a freebie to just anyone

there are plenty of groups in every community who do good and could truly benefit from the donation ...no need to look south of the border or to other continents .


Serving SW and West central Fl since 1984