Authur, your description of the phone rooms reminded me of a hospital (Baptist Memorial, Matt) in Kansas City, that bought an ITT PBX and mucho 1A2 equipment in the very very late '70s during the start of the 'unbundling'. My activity was limited to installing new couplers on, and testing the operation of, the dictation equipment in the transcription department. Did my thing on Friday afternoon, and had a bad coupler. So Saturday, I took it to the shop, fixed it and went to the hospital to install it and double check everything. Quad running down the halls, s/l phones everywhere, people running from 1 phone to another to take calls! Installation crew too busy to say any more than 'we've got a PROBLEM'! (No kidding) Down to the new phone room I go. Long story short, they had dual power supplies on the PBX, for redundancy. Never commoned the grounds! The power supplies fought each other all night and both died about 3AM! OOPS! Parts were on a plane, due in about noon, this is @ 10 AM. These guys are sweating bullets and trying to look busy, cutting over to the new, DEAD, PBX. Double checking everything they had done and were doing, in the hopes that when they DID get the new parts, everything would come up. Tuesday, I went over to check our equipment, our weekly scheduled visit, and everything was up and working. And the techs were coiling up the quad. That came back to me when we started putting in phone systems. Double check everything in the basic install, BEFORE you commit to the cutover. John C.

When I was young, I was Liberal. As I aged and wised up, I became Conservative. Now that I'm old, I have settled on Curmudgeon.