No wonder so many of you are so successful. Customer support really helps and following up on these orders is critical, but even with follow ups there are delays. Many of you mentioned that you take notes and I think that is terrific. Keeping accurate records will be necessary to determine if billing is accurate and that your customer received only what you ordered (or what they ordered).

I recommend keeping records for each time you talk with the LEC (Local exchange carrier) regarding anything for the customer. One important column would be the name of the Rep you are speaking with and their ID or location. How many of you have been on hold for what seems hours ... only to be disconnected? Identifying who placed your telecom orders will help you in more ways than one.

How many of you check the phone bill after you place an order?

Barbara Clements

Auditel Inc.
[email protected]
Colorado office: 719-689-5953
Orlando office: 800-473-5655