Hal, you are more of a man than I am. I don't care how much the customer is willing to pay, Verizon always screws something up and somehow, we end up on the receiving end of the complaining. There's not enough time in the day to deal with them. Their ineffiency eventually trickles into your business like a cancer and drags it down.

We used to have two full-time COG people on staff just for telco orders. Almost $60K annualy in salaries plus benefits to do the customer's (and Verizon's) jobs. I like being everything to everyone, but not to that extent.

Until the general public realizes how bad things are in telcotown, nothing will change. An office manager needs to spend four hours on the phone with them and experience it for themselves. Then, their boss needs to have contacts that can bring this issue to light. Until there's a mass complaint about this issue, nothing will ever change.

Think about it; if your power is out, the power company doesn't argue with you about responsibility or make you wait. They fix it.

If your water or gas is out, it's pretty much the same. Even cable TV in most cases!

It's all about the quality of the employees that a service provider hires. When a company kicks out the quality help and replaces it with disposable help, we as customers and support people end up rambling.....
