Crimping mod ends on those cables essentially turns them into patch cables. Patch cables eventually fail and need to be thrown out and replaced. You don't want to treat your structured cabling like a bunch of patch cables.

Treat your structured cabling and terminations like a permanent fixture. Once the cables have been terminated, you shouldn't have to move them around or plug them into anything. That's what jumper wire is for.

I still stand by my advice to let a professional do your terminations. If you're looking for shortcuts rather than just following grider's instructions, then you're probably coming to the same conclusion by now. Honestly, there is no shame in not doing the terminations yourself. I teach a cabling course, and I cannot think of too many students who could do the lab work based only on reading descriptions of how to do it. Not without butchering the job anyways. If you really want to learn how to do this, you need someone to physically show you how. Every situation is a little bit different, and only someone with experience is going to know how best to deal with your exact situation.