Isnt brand recognition wonderful?
Im 40 now and learned telephony on an AT&T Dimension 2000 but shortly before we upgraded I had an MDM-100 which was a Stromberg Carlson XY switch system.

I know some of you are saying what the heck is that. Just forget it...You'll be bald like me before your time.

I have always been a stickler for correct designations as Ed is.
Just like Ed, I tend to use the "new" names just so others know what I am talking about as well as out of habit.

I do call them AMP tails, and DB-9.

In 1993 installing the Georgia Lottery no one could ever put the proper termination spec on paper for the job. Someone knew because it was spec'ed in the project.
I identified it as TP-PMD.

Nowadays, Proper designation of wiring is considered courteous instead of mandatory.

Think if we used the "Cane" on a few people for getting it wrong we could turn the industry around?

I thought it was an AMPHENOL TAIL?

what do I know...I just the village idiot.

Ed, Did that worthless loser ever pay you the money he owed you for them phone jacks? Let me know if he didnt and I will drive to his town and pound on his noggin for a few minutes giving him whatever message you want me to deliver.
No charge.

CCNA Voice
Security +
CS1000 5.5