I thought it was ok but upon further testing the EMG would only work correctly if called from the “office” extension. It seems to be something to do with how the system is presenting the email to the exchange server. And as you can see below I have somehow gotten it to trust messages from the office extension.

So how do we come up with an arrangement so that the exchange server will accept all emails form the EMG?

I have tried authentication in the past but this doesn’t seem to make any difference.

Successful SMTP Transfer from Office Extension on Port 25

1) VM hanging up
/os7100/vm/msg/00000294.729 close to write
NOTICE - MIME Message 00000294, Time: 22.90s, Voice Size: 0, Fax Size: 0
NOTICE - SMTP Message 00000294, Time: 10.68s, Sent to Address: [email protected]
Message 00000294 sent via SMTP relay

Email Subject that Exchange seems to be ok with

Office [[email protected]]

Un Successful SMTP Transfer from Office on Port 465

4) VM hanging up
/os7100/vm/msg/00000293.729 close to write
NOTICE - MIME Message 00000293, Time: 30.86s, Voice Size: 0, Fax Size: 0
ERROR - non_blocking_connect() failed
NOTICE - SMTP Message 00000293, Time: 0.10s, Retry after 600s

Successful SMTP Transfer from Outside Call on Port 25

2) VM hanging up
/os7100/vm/msg/00000295.729 close to write
18:45.07.88 Saving block table
CP 18:45.07.89 0) Saving block table
CP 18:45.07.90 0) /os7100/vm/dta/BLOCK.TBL backed up to /os7100/vm/dta/BLOCK.BAK
CP 18:45.08.25 0) Block table saved
18:45.08.30 Saving message table
CP 18:45.08.30 0) Saving message table
CP 18:45.08.34 0) Message table saved
NOTICE - MIME Message 00000295, Time: 50.02s, Voice Size: 0, Fax Size: 0
NOTICE - SMTP Message 00000295, Time: 15.89s, Sent to Address: [email protected]
Message 00000295 sent via SMTP relay

I don’t think I ever got this email though...