Hi Marc, port 25 blocking on outgoing SMTP connections is exactly what I was referring to, not by the router but by the ISP.

It is also something I actually do know a lot about, being very well versed in IT, and the IT manager for many of my customers when wearing my other hat. Maybe outbound blocking of port 25 for anything other than the ISP's SMTP servers is something less common outside of Australia? It's done down here to reduce spam supposedly.

Down here, every ISP that I am aware of only allow outgoing emails via port 25 through their own SMTP servers. So, if I have BigPond as an ISP, I have to set up the SVMi to use (BigPonds mail server address) as the address for the outgoing mail, with no user name or passwords required. If I use anyone elses SMTP servers I can not use port 25 as it is blocked.

Thats what I meant when I asked if you were using AT&T as well for an ISP when you setup the Voicemail to use his ISP's SMTP log in credentials on port 25.

If I were to try it down here using his ISP's SMTP server and log in credentials on port 25 it would fail everytime, on every ISP I could try since I do not have access to an AT&T service.

I can use different ports, for example I can set up using googles gmail SMTP servers for the outbound SMTP server, since gmail uses port 587, or any other external private or public SMTP server that supports ports other than 25.

Hope that makes sense and clears up why I was asking the earlier question.

Cheers, Dave.
Eco Communications
Selling and installing Ericsson BP150/50/250 from 1996 to 2005
Samsung selling and installing since 2000
Toshiba selling and installing since 2004
Microsoft NT and SQL certified (10 years ago...)