At nine miles (roughly 40,000 feet) there is NO way you’re on copper from the main C.O. There has to be some kind of MUXed T3 carrier or a DLC at the remote (or “hut” as it’s called in your area) where your T1 is placed on copper from.

To achieve THAT kind of distance on copper (which “can” be done) you’d have to still be on old T1 repeater technology… about the only thing that WAS GOOD about those was the ability to use one repeater after another, after another on a copper span. … but if you fatred on those things you’d knock ‘em down and they are NOT auto-realigning.

BTW, you also mention load coils in your post… Load coils are digital signal KILLERS. They HAD to be cut out at the cans before you ever got a digital circuit.

LEC Provisioning Engineer
Cars -n- Guitars Racin' (retired racer Oct.'07)