At least from a maintenance perspective (and it's strictly my personal opinion), I think that AT&T's switching your service over to an HDSL circuit could turn out to be a plus. Was there any history of re-occuring issues with the original T1? Now, as far as the cost between the T1 and HDSL? That's definately worth looking into. It does sound like what Ed mentioned with the 24 POTS / Channelized T1 / Channel bank example. I wonder if anyone else has experienced this particular type of "automatic" service switch by AT&T. This could be a new trend..I wonder if Anthony is seing this up in his area.. or if this is standard for AT&T..I wish I knew.

Birch Telecom; I remember (without knowing the details) that Birch went thru quite a tough struggle a couple years ago. Especially with their operating right there in the back yards of SBC, BellSouth, AT&T, I know that Birch has emerged from some very, very, tough times.

Sorry for my recent lag time with responses. This is of those time periods where I have to really struggle to get here. (It's not so much as time, as it is physical access.) I'll have to join the nightowls here until my day schedule "fixes itself".. :thumb:

Darn, you caught me ramblin.. smile