GeeRay, I worked for a Code-A-Phone dealer from 1973-89. We took a bunch of telco only CAP's in trade, for 1500's, that were built using a proprietary tape drive and electronics + a trimline handset, and a base less it's cover. The base mounted inside the CAP housing and the top on the left side was trimline base cover shaped. Any how, I latched onto a pile of them, they were headed for the dumpster, and ordered base covers and handset backs from North Supply. 'Ice cream sandwich' had a brown base cover, white handset face and brown handset back. And the green, yellow, and blue became other weird combos. Sold like hotcakes at my 'garage sales'!

When I was young, I was Liberal. As I aged and wised up, I became Conservative. Now that I'm old, I have settled on Curmudgeon.