Walter -- My local support guy is a small business owner, and he is currently swamped with work. I probably mis-spoke, it isn't that he doesn't want to come out and do this for us, but more that he has bigger fish to fry. The last time we needed this type of work done, it was the owner of our support company that came out to swap voice mail settings for us, because all of his guys were out working on the bigger contracts.

He saw the racks of equipment in our server room, and thought if I can manage all of that, I could probably handle these things myself, he did say that he normally wouldn't recommend it, but felt okay in this case. My boss (who owns the company that I work for, and was standing there when he said it) agrees with him, and for reasons of response time (half a dozen mail boxe edits is not a big priority for a busy telco guy) and money, of course, wanted to bring the small-fry stuff in house.

On our side of course, my IT guys and I do what we're capable of, and what we have time for, and we do have diverse talents. We do our own cabling too -- but only up to a point. If we have to run a few wires, we do that ourselves, and punch them down ourselves. If we open a new office, that usually goes out to bid. I don't intend to reprogram our whole phone system from scratch, and If I did, I'd call my local support guy, and pay him to do it. It's all about knowing our limitations.

In any event, I'd like to thank the folks who did respond and assist me in getting my job done. I was successful in accessing, backing up, and editing some voice-mail settings on my system. I couldn't have done it without these folks. If you guys should ever have any computer-guy type questions, please feel free to hit me up -- I'll be glad to help.

Thanks again,