hello again,

i moved the spring (thin wire) from where it was hooked between the bells, and the clapper dropped down and just kind of laid there, not good, so i put it back. ive had many old phones apart many yrs ago, and if memory serves me right, the machanics of the phone,all look good. the bell rang as it does now with the buzzer in. i removed the buzzer later. the phone has a rotor/push button on it, and as someone mentioned a few appends back, the push button and buzzer,was probably for an intercom. is there any way to check the voltage? maybe its only getting 50vac instead of 90vac. yrs ago, i had trouble with the bell in a phone, and my friend from the nytel told me i need to run a jumper from L1 to L2 or something like that on the network block. for something that looks pretty simple, you sure can wire it diff ways til the cows come home,like matt mentioned. but if it is ringing, wouldnt it be wired ok?...bob