I have my system set up and working correctly. I now only have two issues to solve.

The MSG button on the phones does not call voice mail. It calls another extension. I have done all of the #656 and #657 programming, cancelled call forwarding several times and cleared all of the message waiting indications on the phones (#409). Still calls another extension - random extensions.

The second issue is when the user calls the voicemail extension from their phone, it sends them to the company greeting, not into their mailbox.

When a user receives a voice mail, the display reads CALL XXX-200V (XXX being the extension receiving the VM). It always seems to be extension 200 that it shows the message to be coming from.

My voicemail extension is 216, and it is in a hunt group in prg 33. The VM port 216 is defined in program 13.

Voyager has suggested that I upgrade to a newer version of software (Release 3,2T) which seems like a good idea, but the company does not want to spend any more money on this system. So, before I insist, can anyone think of anything else for me to try?