After disabling 107, and enabling 108,,,,,,
Along with the other suggestions mentioned previously,,,,,,
In form 3, use a default class of service for the ipocket (dataset), nothing in there has an effect on the integration you're doing.
In form 11, define a default circuit descriptor (for use in form 12).
Set all 3 baud rates settings to the same speed.
Set the DTR, RTS, and DSR to settings to YES (held high).
Change your parity, data bits, and stop bits to match the PMS requirement. DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING ELSE!
The voicemail interface has NOTHING to do with for 12, so don't compare any of your settings to it.
In form 12, DO NOT program anything in the DTE column, your not using it (so form 29 is irrelevant)! 24 x 7 Mitel Parts and Free Tech Support