The main musical instrument manufacturer in Illinois I do warranty service for, and work for/represent during the yearly music trade show has moved into a space which is now half of it's previous siz. Prior to that a few years earlier they moved into half of the building space they previously occupied. Their current space will slightly less than 1/3 of about 5 years ago. The quote I was given was moving from 20,000sq ft, to 10,000sq ft, so now 7000sq ft.

This 5 module system was going to be left behind when they moved. One of the key people in the know who maintained the system was laid off during a downsizing of the company.

Instead of the system being left behind, I asked if it could be removed and shipped to me. The messaging boxes are all full etc. In the new building Comcast is providing their phone service and 4 phone extensions.

I'm taking on the task of extracting voicemail messages, saving to MP3 files for burning to a CDR and sent back to the service department head for him to sort through any important calls that might have been missed.

The Control unit is an Avaya with R3.0 installed according the sticker. I have in my possession the modules only. The frame/cage, phones were shipped in another box yesterday and should be arriving shortly. I do not know if it has ever been updated (just yet).

Fresh batteries were installed in the Control Unit Module prior to system disconnection and removal last week. Hopefully all of the current programming will still be intact.

I wanted to take a look at the Control Unit's programming overall rather than hunt and peck through the use of a phone extension.

This earlier Control Unit does not have an Admin port. It does have a Remote Access PC PCMIA card installed.
This suggests programming was administered via a PC at some point.

It isn't immediately apparent to me if the SMDR port can be used for this in addition to report printing, or is Ext 10, or 11 connected via modem for PC programming. I've been trying to read through some of the documentation I downloaded from Avaya's support website, however I haven't stumbled onto this answer yet.

There may be other documentation I need to download. There's literally 100s of files to choose from even after one tries to select what is pertinent in the search. Maybe it isn't that difficult, but I seemingly find documentation much more easily on the Panasonic Partner Portal. bash

Unfortunately I have a few other pressing items going on. The biggest is emptying out 30+ years of scrap wood my father stuffed into the garage along with all of the other wonderful little gremlin clean up from it not being closed up tightly.

"Most people don't have a sense of humor. They think they do, but they don't." --Jonathan Winters