You can not explain what you want.
Figure out what you want and then repost.

Call forwarding?

Outside number to ring at the same time as ICD group?

ICD group at main location to ring phones at both Main and secondary.

Whatever, have whomever you bought the system from remote program so that it will work. But they most likely don't know Squanto about the System, much less the Enhanced Software. It appears that they sold you the wrong can of worms and they don't have an opener.

Or have a Certified installer that knows how to set up what you want to do, you just need to explain what it is that you want.
Of course if your S/W is corrupt or system needs to be initialized it will cost you, may need to re-register.

You can't talk to Panasonic, only the so called Vendor, if it wont work get yo money back.

Hint:there is a reason that Panasonic like to sell via Certified Dealers.

Last edited by brokeda; 02/21/15 06:17 PM.