I am helping out someone that bought an NEC DSX 40 system on eBay. The pachage came with several DSX 22B phones on one large display 34B Super siplay phone.

All the 22 button phone have very poor display, like it is missing lines. Display ranges from extremely difficult to read to impossible. The 34 Button phone display is perfect.

The version is 2.11 I initialized the system. The system shows the correct phone type in program 2101-01

I already plugged a phone directtly into the cabinet, same results.

It is just odd that all the phones have the same issue, which makes me think that there is something in the main cabinet that is at fault.

Is this a common issue? Are all this phones bad, or is there something else wrong? Is it fixable or does the system need to be returned? Sell says it was pulled from a working office.