Bill - I hear ya on the butt sets. I grabbed a few cheapies off fleabay and they're plenty good for most days. I also got bored and ordered a Platinum T62 because I'm a gadget nerd and wanted a new toy. smile (btw, my youngest sister is headed your way... she's going to school in LaGrange WY)

Dave - I'll have to check that High Loop Detector out! I love Sandman's site... seems like I always learn something or at least have a good laugh.

Jim - All the Comcast guys around here carry those. They look kinda cheap but seem have a lot of nice features.

Merritt - Agreed, although an old tech I used to work with hammered it into my head that we were better off carrying in tools we didn't need than running back out to the truck. Then again, all these beers ain't gonna exercise themselves off! smile

Joshua - I've looked (lusted?) at the Sidekick but simply couldn't justify the cost. Cool tool though!

I appreciate the input; it's always nice to know what seasoned techs have settled on, by hook or by crook.

Some things I've come to like in my belt:

Fluke Need L-Lock pliers
Platinum 15015 cat5 stripper
Channellock 338 dikes
Ideal 35-087 snips
ICC handheld keystone punchdown aid
LanRoamer TP500 cat5 tester


"There is one thing and only one thing in which it is granted to you to be free in life, all else being beyond your power: that is to recognize and profess the truth." - Leo Tolstoy