Originally Posted by Lcox
Where can I look for the info?
Well, what did you order from the Telco?

I assume that you mean that you want a certain phone to be able to answer more calls at one time, from more numbers, than it already does.

Okay, let me explain here: Adding "Lines" to a phone can just be a matter of programming, IF those lines already ring somewhere. They ring on THAT phone, you want them to ring on THIS phone?

If they don't exist -- New lines that have never gone to your company before -- then there's more to it. Did you order new numbers from the Telco? Do you have CO Ports available in your phone system cabinet?

Since it's an IPK, I don't think that you need to worry about licenses...

If you want a new number from the phone company, then someone has to order the lines, and when they're delivered, connect them physically to the phone system. There has to be a CO Port available for each new line. Then there's some programming, to make it ring in the right places.

You lowest cost, in money, frustration, and time, is to call out an NEC dealer and have them solve the problem for you.

So Dr.PBX is asking what you ordered and what you want. If his question doesn't make sense to you, call an NEC dealer.