Grab your GTE, Contel, RUS, or about any normal plant engineering guide and the answers are

1) Pr 1 in the sheath count would be used as far away from the C O as possible. Why? Because the Pr 1 would be in the center of the cable. Don't even think about trying to dig out that pair in a 1200 hanging low on the strand. The higher counts should be in the outer binders therefore used closest to the C O. Had a Sprint contract engineer try to get me to do a 600 pr icky pic with pr 1 out side the C O when it was below 0 degrees. We had a "discussion", his contract go real short.

2)Pole 1 is also sometimes call 0 pole. It is the first riser pole in a lead. If it is 0 it is usually the riser outside the C O. Here again, this can very depending on the company.

3)Ready Access was intended to be open count --- but after time the terminals became a mess. Some companies (GTE in particular) would assign a permanent count and drop assignment for every RA to stop the mess.

How do you check on my answers? Call #$%%!*

KLD wink
