The CLEC is Nuvox/FDN. There never was any mention of hunt not being possible from 2-3. I think the Netcarrier Tech is full of BS but who know those wannabe service providers never have and never will be able to deliver a valuable/critical product with the same standards that Ma Bell can. No matter what her name is now.

As you can tell I am not a fan of those CLEC's out there that promise the moon and stars for 5% less than the Queen and then spend all friggin afternoon putting 8 out of 10 lines in a hunt group. Damage a perfectly good 56s in the process and all that took place after we waited 10 days for them to get their POS Adtran installed. It amazes me how we called Ma Bell on thursday afternoon and by friday afternoon everything we ask for was in and perfectly functional. Too bad the quality service was just temporary, the office couldn't wait to switch over to the BS ASAP.