For a small hotel system going up to 220 rooms check out the Phonesuite 112. It is inexpensive, programs easily, has a T-1 card option as well as Voice mail card, call accounting card, and other great options like a PMS interface. We have sold a few of them and they work well and are priced very well compared to Mitel and the like....but they are not for a big hotel. They have a smaller system, the Phonesuite 64 that goes up to 64 rooms and works well for real small motels or B&B's.

The office phones (or "Feature phones" as they call them) are pretty good, they are re-branded spectralink phones, as we have not had any complaints yet. The neat thing is (from what I have been told) is that you can actually use other centrex phones like Nortel if you want. We have always used the Spectralink phones, but it is a neat option to think about.

Check em' out at
