To answer your questions:

Is there any way to get a print out of programming to assist in a reprogram?
=Access the system remotly or on site and print each screen you need. You can also backup programming onto a PC.

On the firmware, could the phone have run for years on acd with out this issue having occurred before?
=If it was bad firmware the problem should have occured from the start

If this turns out to be a hardware issue is it the EVCM or the ACPU?
=the EVCM (expanded voice control module) controls intercom paths, system modem, etc. The ACPU is the brains of the system. You can backup entire database, defaualy system and test in default to see if ACPU. If works you need to hand type system programming, if problem still there it is posable you have a bad ACPU.

Contact me and I will try to assist you!
Good Luck!!

If all else fails, use a BFH.